Sander strapping band and Sander edge protection offer numerous advantages for the storage and transport of building materials:
For which building materials is Sander strapping and Sander edge protection particularly suitable?
Form-fitting, force-fitting or both – with Sander load securing systems, you can transport any building material
Load securing in 10 steps
What else can Sander Ladungssicherung GmbH offer building material dealers and building material companies?
Sander provides building material dealers and manufacturers with surface-friendly strapping and stable edge protection
The requirements of the building materials industry for load securing are just as varied as the building materials themselves. In order to properly secure and protect wall and concrete blocks, bricks, cement sacks, etc., during storage and transport of building materials, a number of tools are required to protect heavy or fragile building materials as well as those with sharp corners and edges or delicate surfaces. Sander's easy-to-retighten and surface-friendly strapping bands and robust, weather-resistant edge protection are equally suitable for securing loads on building material pallets and loose building materials, for delicate surfaces and even very heavy building materials. Building material manufacturers and dealers get only products of the best quality from Sander.
Sander strapping band and Sander edge protection offer numerous advantages for the storage and transport of building materials:
Section 22 of the German Road Traffic Code requires that every load be packed in such a way that it cannot slip or tip over. In theory, stability and safety are ensured by form-fitting loading, i.e. continuous loading of building materials. In practice, however, this is rarely possible. Often individual components of the load are unloaded at various stops during transport or the load from the outset consists of individual loose building materials, such as cement sacks. Some construction materials also lose volume during transport or the lashing belts lose tension over time. For this reason, it is almost always necessary to use tools to secure loads consisting of building materials, such as strapping bands that can be retightened and edge protection, as can be found in the Sander load securing range.
The main advantages of Sander strapping and Sander edge protection at a glance:
Adaptable: Sanderband can be retightened without any problems and without risk of injury at any time and is therefore also particularly suitable for shrinking building materials.
Stable: Sander strapping band is extremely stable, with a breaking force of 300 – 5000 daN.
Affordable: Sander load securing is so stable that the strapping bands for building materials can replace expensive chains, steel cables and belts.
Material-friendly: The tensioning straps have a core of polyester yarn and a polypropylene sheathing. The sheathing is resistant to almost all acids, alkaline solutions and chemical solvents. Sander strapping band offers high abrasion protection for delicate building materials.
Weather-resistant: Sander edge protection also protects building materials that are stored outdoors in all weather conditions.
Form-fitting, force-fitting or both – with Sander load securing systems, you can transport any building material
The loader, the driver and, where applicable, the vehicle owner are responsible for the safe transport of building materials. However, the variety of building materials makes load securing a challenging topic for all those responsible. Depending on the building material, the load is packed form-fitting, force-fitting or in a combination of both. In all three cases, tools such as Sander strapping band are always in use for load securing and edge protection.
Load securing in 10 steps
Load securing in the building materials industry is complex. You can only prevent personal injury and property damage by acting responsibly. If you adhere to the 10 rules for proper load securing, you will never lose track of them.
- The 10 commandments of load securing in the building materials trade - LasiPortal
What else can Sander Ladungssicherung GmbH offer building material dealers and building material companies?
Sander GmbH Performance in Load Securing has been manufacturing load securing products for more than 150 years. Thanks to its state-of-the-art machinery and the use of digital robotics, today the company develops strapping bands and edge protection of the very best quality for the building materials industry.
We offer training workshops and advice for all product areas. It goes without saying that you can also request samples at any time.